If you have followed my content for any amount of time, you probably already know that I am a gear junkie! I just love getting new gear and putting it to the test in the field. Anything I can do to make my system more efficient, I am usually game to check out. Plus, I just like trying out new stuff. These are a few gear highlights that I am pretty stoked on for the 2019 hunting seasons. You can expect that I will be putting together in depth reviews for each of these items in the future. They are simply too good not to. Check out the video below for the overview and I’ll include links to each item down below! Thanks for watching and let me know if you have any questions. What are some gear highlights that you are pumped on for 2019?
Yes, you read that right! After it was all said and done, I made it 17 days on the keto diet. There were parts that I really enjoyed in the beginning, but after a while, those parts actually turned negative. Being the type of person that I am, the decision to throw in the towel was a difficult one for me. I’m not one to give things up, and sometimes that is to a fault. With that being said, I’m going to dive into why I decided that enough was enough. I know that there are plenty of people out there that really love the keto diet, and that is awesome. I’m not insinuating that any of you are wrong for doing keto or bashing the diet at all. These are just the reasons why it didn’t work for me personally.
OK! It has been two weeks since my dive into the Keto diet and I’m feeling pretty good. I still haven’t gotten to do a legit backpacking trip with this meal plan, but am planning to in the future. It will be interesting seeing how that mashes up and how I feel. If I feel anything like I do now, I think I will be totally fine. Can’t blame me for wondering though! In the beginning of this journey, I was pretty pumped on Keto. Since then though? Let’s just say that my overall thoughts on Keto have definitely changed.
I have officially started the Keto Diet and am officially one week into it! So far so good, but there has definitely been some challenges along the way. It is expected at this point. Whenever starting something new, there is an acclimation period that exists. This experience has been no exception to that.
Father’s Day is right around the corner and I thought it would be cool to highlight a certain product that I think would be a perfect Father’s Day Gift! If your Dad is anything like mine, he loves his firearms. He doesn’t just love them, he takes an immense amount of pride in keeping those firearms clean. Hours are spent cleaning every crease of a gun by hand. My Father’s generation was filled with craftsman who truly cared about what they did. That very trait is sadly somewhat of a lost art. Good craftsman come far and few between, so when a company like Sage and Braker break the surface, my eyes are wide open. They are the makers of a truly high quality gun cleaning kit crafted at the highest caliber. A kit that will care about your Father’s guns as much as he does.
Boots have become sort of a frustrating topic for me. It seems that I’m always looking for the right boot for my needs and am usually left scratching my head. In the past, I have always landed on a soft sole boot. These have been great in terms of comfort, but in the land of durability and being waterproof? Well, that’s another story and an area that they lack in. When I have found boots that were more durable, they just lacked in comfort. So, now I am left with a situation of give and take. Do I want my feet to be more comfortable and possibly wet or do I want dry feet and less comfort? The Crispi Wyoming GTX was a boot that stood out to me as a “tweener,” if you would. Something in between comfort and durability that didn’t lack in being waterproof.
Clean eating sounded intimidating enough when I decided to try it out. Honestly, it was kind of overwhelming with all of the restrictions that would be put in place once I got going on it. They aren’t really a big deal from a bird’s eye view, but once you realize how many of those creature comfort foods you can’t eat anymore, it can become daunting. So, eating clean is one thing, but what about on hunts and not just any hunts. What about eating clean on a backpack hunt to be more specific? After doing this diet for one month during our spring bear season, I can assure you that it is entirely possible. It probably isn’t going to be what you’re used to back there, but if I can do it, you can do it too! Who knows, you might even find a few new staples in your backcountry menu!
In the months leading up to a hunt you can usually find me scouring maps, spending an unhealthy amount of time on google earth, sifting through backpacking journals online, and shooting my bow each and every day, sometimes multiple times. I am a planner, and I always have been. Not knowing what is going to happen in the future, somewhat stresses me out and it’s an area that I need improvement. I try everything I can to make sure all of my ducks are in a row. If this isn’t done beforehand, it drives me crazy and I can’t think straight. Oftentimes, it will lead to me throwing in the towel, because I am left not knowing what to do with myself. It is my Pre-Hunt Anxiety. Each year that goes by it creeps up on me, and each year we throw hands at one another.
We did it! We actually made it through 1 full month of clean eating! I have to admit that when we started out with this little experiment, I was a bit skeptical of how I would feel and if I’d even be able to go through with it. The act of breaking routine can sometimes be a hard one, especially with food. Food is pretty habitual for my wife and I. We like what we like when we like it. Completely stepping out of our comfort zone was at times stressful, but ultimately enlightening when all said and done. So, what are my thoughts on this diet?
3 weeks! Cannot believe it has already been 3 weeks of clean eating! I am so close to destroying a pizza in May! I’ll probably regret that, but a guy can dream right? My food fantasies aside, I feel awesome and am noticing little differences each week that goes by. Let’s get right into it!
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