This is going to be a different kind of post than you have become accustomed to here on Dialed in Hunter. This is just me reaching out to you, and from the bottom of my heart, telling you thank you. You are indeed reading my 100th blog post. The thought of that makes my head spin. I remember back when there were less than 5 and how it felt like I was writing to an empty room. That room has filled up quite a bit over the years and I can’t tell you how grateful I am for the support you’ve all given me. It has been a joy for me conversing with you, sharing my stories, and even inspiring some of you to get out there and chase your hunting dreams. That right there, has really become the biggest reward for me. So, thank you.
The journey that this blog has taken me on has been nothing short of unforgettable. From my first backcountry elk hunt, to my first notched bear tag, you’ve been there. You all have been there with me through my highs and lows, witnessed more “firsts” than I care to list here, and watched me grow. Many of us have grown together during this time. You know who you are. I’ve grown not just as a writer and hunter, but as a person. Along the way, I have met many new friends that I don’t get to spend nearly enough time with. For that, I am sorry. Hopefully, we can change that in the near future.
So, the future. What does the future hold for Dialed in Hunter? Man, that’s hard to answer. I definitely plan on continuing my path as a writer/photographer/bowhunter. Other than that, my wife thinks I should start a podcast. Me, I’m not so sure. Sounds like it could be fun. I’d really like to incorporate more video in my content as well. When I started, this was just a way for me to document my journey as a hunter, and in a lot of ways, it still is. There are many more adventures to be had out there and I intend on soaking them up. As many of you know, I also have the pleasure of writing articles for other entities in the hunting industry like goHunt, Exo Mountain Gear, and First Lite. To those companies, you know how appreciative I am of your support. It means the world that you believe in me. Bottom line, I don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon, because that’s just not who I am.
Again, thank you for everything. Thank you for the comments, the continued support throughout the years, whether its been on the blog or my social channels, and the memories. If you have any suggestions for me or topics you’d like me to cover, I’m all ears. If you dig what you’ve been reading, please SUBSCRIBE over there on the right side of the page to stay up to date! Let’s continue to make this a great year! Looking forward to the next 100 blog posts!
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