Boom! Week 1 of the Paleo Diet is in the books. Another diet in full effect. This journey has been awesome so far and really enlightening. Thanks for following along on my 6 month diet craze and for the tips along the way. This is going to be the last diet in my experiment. For the month of August, I will be eating paleo and that includes on my hunts. I’ve got 12 days of hunting on the horizon where paleo will be on the menu. Bear season opens August 9th here and then I’ll be heading out to Utah in mid August, followed by another bear season here in AZ for late August. All of my meals are bought and I’m ready to start pounding the miles with my bow! With that being said though, you are probably wondering how paleo has been thus far?

Pancakes made for the paleo diet by josh kirchner of dialed in hunter

When I started paleo, I’m going to be honest, I wasn’t that worried at all. Paleo is very similar to eating clean, minus the grains and some certain potatoes with a high GI index. Now, they say that the paleo diet is supposed to replicate what our ancestors ate, but I think that’s a bunch of hoopla. I doubt that our ancestors were making smoothies with blenders. With that being said though, it is a health conscious diet that strays away from processed foods and added sugars. Those are two things that I think all of us can consume less of.

My Experience So Far with the Paleo Diet

For me, the paleo diet has been great so far. Of course there is a little more prep involved, but that has seemed like a necessary evil across the board with all of these diets I’ve tried. Expect more dishes in the sink than usual and more time behind the stove. It’s all for a good cause though, which makes it worth it. I’d put paleo as easier than keto, but slightly harder than clean eating. A good middle of the road between the two. Some of my favorite meals so far are:

  • Sweet potatoes with kale, red onion, and scrambled eggs
  • Paleo pancakes
  • Banana Chia Pudding
  • Zoodles with Meatballs
  • Venison Stir Fry
Wilderness Athlete Paleo(ish) for the Paleo Diet
Wilderness Athlete Paleo(ish)

I’ve been also using Wilderness Athlete Paleo(ish). Both the beef protein and the hydrate and recover have been gold. Now, I know it isn’t totally paleo, but I was more than willing to make an exception to help aid in recovery for both my workouts and upcoming backcountry hunts. Having a good BCAA out in the field is something that I try to do all of the time. It just helps break up the monotony of water, as well as helps your muscles recover from the day’s events.

This diet is going to be slightly different for me than the others. With this one, I’ll be spending half of it at home and the other half in the mountains. I think this will be cool and break up the monotony of meal prep. On my hunts, everything is already prepared, so no worries there. More time to focus on hunting, which is nice. I’m going to try to get one of these out a week, but with my hectic schedule coming up, that might not happen. I’m gonna do my best though! Good luck to everyone getting out on these early fall hunts!

magbo system