I recently had the pleasure of joining a good friend of mine on his late archery elk hunt here in Arizona. He drew a bull tag for an area that has grown near and dear to me, so I was ecstatic to go hang out with him for a few days. We’d be hunting in the desert for bull elk. In the past I’ve done approached this pretty much exactly how I’d hunt mule deer. Get up high on a vantage point, glass, and make a stalk. A classic spot and stalk hunt! The weather was great, as was the company. Not only is Gabe a newer bowhunter, this was his first elk hunt! Let’s just say, he got a great introduction to it.

Josh from dialed in hunter on a late archery elk hunt in arizona

Hunts like this are some of my favorite. Aside from having fun glassing up bull elk and making stalks, it was awesome to just spend time with one another in some great country. We ate some great food and had some equally great conversations. Sometimes, it was to the point of me forgetting to keep glassing. We experienced the gamut in terms of emotion on this hunt. Being rather new to bowhunting, Gabe learned a ton on this hunt. It was fun watching him go through the process and realizing when things clicked or didn’t click. That’s all part of the journey that is bowhunting. A never ending line of classes, ready to school you at every turn. The school of bowhunting in full effect. This, I love.

Here is a short video I put together of the time I spent out there with Gabe. Hope you like it, and if you do, please subscribe to the blog and youtube! You’ll get notifications every time I post, so you don’t miss a beat! Thanks for watching!

Catch up with the previous episodes down below!

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

magbo system