I have gotten asked quite a bit lately about HOW I actually go about packing my backpack for a backcountry hunt. Where I am putting certain pieces of gear, how I am putting them in the pack, and why. I thought the absolute best way to convey this was with a video! Now, there are way more ways to pack for the backcountry than what I show you here. This is just what has worked for me over the years, so don’t feel like they are hard set rules. That is one of the beauties of backpack hunting. It’s all on you. After you spend more and more time in the backcountry, you will find out what works best for you and your specific style of hunting. Maybe, you like to bring an ultralight chair with you? Awesome! More power to you! Luxury comes with a price though and it is paid in weight. I wouldn’t consider my system a super ultralight kit, but it is getting there. I do enjoy things like an actual tent back there, rather than a bivy sack. You might be different and that it totally fine.

Hope you enjoyed the video! If you are new to this, I hope this helps lay out a foundation for you on how to go about packing your backpack. You don’t have to do it exactly like me, but keep the overall approach the same. Lightweight stuff on the very bottom with heavier stuff closer to your central back. Weight distribution is huge with comfort under load. If you were to put the heavier stuff on the very bottom, that would put undesired stress on your body and just not ride right in the pack. You don’t want your pack trying to pull you backwards. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them down below!

magbo system