3 weeks! Cannot believe it has already been 3 weeks of clean eating! I am so close to destroying a pizza in May! I’ll probably regret that, but a guy can dream right? My food fantasies aside, I feel awesome and am noticing little differences each week that goes by. Let’s get right into it!
One of the things that I was super worried about when jumping into this was my recovery from workouts. Not being able to use supplements had me thinking that I was going to be even more sore than before. As I sit here, I can tell you that I was completely wrong in those assumptions. I’m actually less sore than before. It makes sense thought right? Sugar is an inflammatory. Keep in mind, my workouts have not changed, just my diet.
My wife on the other hand has experienced the exact opposite of me. She is more sore than before. The only thing that we can think of for why this is, is she isn’t taking in any animal protein. As many of you might know, and for those that don’t, my wife is actually a vegetarian. Our thoughts are that because she isn’t taking in that pure animal protein, her body isn’t recovering as fast as mine. She also would use supplements before this clean eating experiment.
The other day I got a headache for the first time in 2 weeks. I couldn’t believe it. Normally, I would get headaches every few days. This is probably due to my job, as I work out in the sun a lot. I’m also bent over quite a bit, which makes my neck tense up and then I’ll get tension headaches. Since I started eating clean, those cases have gone way down! I didn’t even realize it until I got my first headache and thought to myself, “man, I haven’t had one of these in a bit.” Stoked on that.
This is an interesting one. We just got back from hanging out with our families for Easter. That was cool and all, except for the fact that we really couldn’t eat anything at these little get togethers. We kind of had a feeling this would happen, so we just ate beforehand. We couldn’t stop eyeing that homemade chocolate pie that my wife’s grandma made! We can look, but can’t touch!
Another thing that has been different is our date nights. We ended up going to the movies the other day and pretty much had to bring all of our own stuff in. Couldn’t have the popcorn and couldn’t even drink the unsweetened tea! It had some weird caramel dye in it or something. Not sure why that was in there, but it was a bummer when we found out. Instead, we made popcorn at home and brought in a hydroflask of unsweetened black tea. Problem solved!
I was chatting with my wife Amber the other day and mentioned something about being excited to eat dinner. Her reply was, “I’m excited to eat in May.” This made me laugh quite a bit, because I know how true it is. The whole experience had been super eye opening as to how much sugar we were actually eating and I am more than sure that a lot of these habits are going to continue in the future. I can’t deny though that sometimes it’s just nice going and getting frozen yogurt with my wife on a weekend night. Or grabbing something quick on the way home, because we just didn’t want to make dinner. Convenience is one thing, but overindulging is another.
Here is a video where I go through not only how my third week has been, but ALSO I lay out what I am eating in the backcountry on this particular diet!
A day in the food bag of a clean eating backcountry hunter!
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