We’ve reached a new chapter! High country mule deer is behind us and late archery elk hunting lies ahead. This hunt took place in my home state of Arizona and is one that has grown on me through the years. Most folks want to get out and chase screaming bulls during the month of September, and rightfully so. I love the early hunts. However, spot and stalking bulls in our Arizona deserts is something that has become more and more appealing to me with each passing year. The tags are easier to draw, the weather is great, and you get to hunt the same bulls that hunters wait decades to hunt on the September hunt. They might not be screaming during the month of November, but it is a fun hunt in its own right.

Brotherly Love

Josh Kirchner from Dialed in Hunter glassing for elk in Arizona
Vortex Razor UHD 10×42 Binoculars

In the past, my brother Jake and I have never had an elk tag together. This would be the first time both of us head afield with an elk tag each. So, that in itself was a win for the both of us. As we grow older, it seems we get more and more busy. This has a negative effect on how much time that we get to spend together. So, when hunts like this pop up, where we can both hunt at the same time, it is much appreciated. From glassing side by side, to hanging out around a crackling fire, we soak it all up.

Enjoy Episode 5 of Dialed in Diaries

In this episode of Dialed in Diaries, we’ll kick off the very hunt I’ve been talking about. Late archery bull elk hunting in Arizona, during the month of November.


If you haven’t already, please SUBSCRIBE to the Youtube Channel and blog to stay up to date with future posts. Thanks so much for the support through the years. 2021 is going to be the most hunts I’ve ever done, and I plan on sharing it every step of the way through Dialed in Diaries. Keep your eyes out for Episode 6 in the near future. Hint, hint. SHOTS FIRED!

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