Last year I started a video series on my Youtube Channel called Dialed in Diaries. It was basically a diary in video form that documented all of my hunting adventures. I wanted it to be real and raw, but with a tasteful and polished feel. From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows it’s all there. That series was started in the middle of last year and the response I’ve gotten has been warming. Thank you all that took the time to watch it. 2021 is a new year and will bring new episodes of the series.

Starting August 16th there will be a new episode each week for 5 weeks. This stretch of episodes will take you through my entire spring bear season from Arizona to Idaho, backcountry camps to truck camps, and missed opportunities to capitalizing.

Dialed in Diaries S2 Teaser

Soon after the spring bearscapades start I’ll be kicking off my Fall in the Utah backcountry with a mule deer tag in my pocket. From there, I’ll hunt bugling bulls in Idaho, chasing Fall bears in Arizona, and stalking late season bulls in Arizona. All of it will be filmed and all of it will be published on my Youtube channel as the season progresses. I’m not sure on when those will start to be released, but you can count on it that they will be later in the fall.

Thanks so much for all of the encouraging words through the years. It means the world to me that you’d take the time to read something I wrote or watch something I filmed. Good luck out there this coming season and shoot straight!

magbo system