Fall is Here

Fall hunting seasons are just getting kicked off and it is an exciting time of year, to say the least.  The very moments we have been dreaming about and training for all year are about to present themselves.  Maybe, we will capitalize on them and maybe we won’t.  Time will deliver us that truth when it sees fit.  That time I spend away from home usually wears me down pretty good mentally.  While I do enjoy the disconnect of TV, social media, cell phones, and just people, I can’t help but get struck with a bit of homesick.  I think it is necessary to feel this though.

Get Back to Zero

One of the major benefits I think we as hunters are exposed to is the ability for us to commune with nature and recharge, if you will.  I, like a majority of you, have a regular job and pay the same unfortunate plethora of bills that we all know so well.  The daily grind gets tiresome and monotonous.  To think of having to do that every single day, for the rest of my life, is not something I really want to think about.  Being able to disconnect from the grind I think is just plain healthy for us.  All of us need to decompress and get back to zero.  After a long hunting trip, I come home feeling at ease and stress free.  Sound familiar?

The Flip

On the flip side, the disconnect we have been talking about, also wears me down.  You see, I am not one of those guys that goes hunting just to get away from his wife.  I cherish every second that I have with her, every time I make her smile, and each time she picks me up with her naturally positive attitude.  Amber is my biggest support system both in the mountains and out.  With that being said, I think that being away from one another for periods of time make our relationship that much stronger.  It reminds me what it’s like to miss her, which I think is vital to not becoming complacent.  Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder.  I’m sorry to get all sappy with you all here, but I don’t think I am the only one that battles this.  It’s a very real thing and I can’t imagine what it is like for those of you who have kids.  A necessary evil nonetheless.

Keep Dreaming

If you have already embarked on your first hunts of the year, I hope that you have found the success you were after, whether that was a filled tag or a great time.  This is all just getting started.  Before we know it, we will all be in the field chasing our dreams.  I expect to feel both discouragement and contentment.  Embrace these feelings, because they are all part of the experience.  Easier said than done sometimes, but I always try to tell myself that, whether I am thrilled or angry.  Also, even though I don’t like it, the feeling of homesick is just as much a part of the journey.  I try to remember that my wife wants me to be out there achieving my goals and I encourage her to do the same.  Adventure is afoot and I am eager with drive.  For some, our dreams are about to become reality.  For the rest of us, we will keep dreaming.

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