My daughter and I are currently vegging out with the flu on the couch together next to the Christmas tree. While I “scribble” down my thoughts here, she’s taking care of some important coloring business and watching one of her favorite shows. In the midst of all of this, my mind is blown at how quickly the end of the year has come. It feels like not long ago I was revved up for 2024, jotting down my thoughts here. And now 2024 is coming to a close.

I don’t remember time flying by this quickly when I was a kid. Back then it just seemed like a year felt like a year. Now, it feels like a year is a few months. Maybe that’s because adulting takes its toll on your perception of time. As a kid, you don’t have the responsibilities of work, being a parent, owning a home, etc. My hope is that I’ve filled my life with so much good that it seems like time sails by quicker. Whatever it is, life’s speediness has served me something to keep in mind for 2025.

Josh Kirchner from Dialed in Hunter on a Black bear hunt in Arizona

A few weeks back I turned 39 years old. I really can’t believe reading what I just wrote. My mind still feels like that of a 20-year-old, but those days have long passed. Since then, and currently with vigor, I have hopes and dreams. I have passion. There are things that I want to accomplish, both personally and professionally. Life isn’t waiting up for me to take hold of that either. It’s running at its own pace and if I don’t seize the day I’ll miss my opportunity to achieve certain things. And if one thing is certain, I don’t want to look back and think I wish I would have done that thing I had been dreaming of.

As far as hunting goes, I plan on working harder than I ever have before. I want to be the best glasser, best stalker, and best shot I can be. I want to go farther, hunt harder, and embrace this beautiful life I get to live with a smile on my face and meat in my backpack. Whether it’s solo or with hunting partners. I’m here for it.

So, walking into 2025 for me is about taking control and not holding back. It’s about going all in and not leaving anything on the table. At the end of 2025, I want to look back and know that I absolutely went for it. This goes for hunting yes, but also just my day to day life. I want to be the best dad, the best husband, and take care of myself both mentally and physically the best that I can. Let’s go 2025. I’m ready to grab hold and not let go. 2025 is about proving myself to myself.

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Merch – Grab a Shirt!