This past Fall hunting season was no doubt an incredible one. From trekking high into the alpine to calling for black bears in the dense timber. My time spent living in the dirt and out of my backpack was time well spent. One hunt in particular though really stole my heart. And that was hunting mule deer bucks during October in the Idaho Backcountry.

My experience hunting mule deer has always been with my bow during the early velvet season or during the rut. Both of which I have loved. Never before though have I hunted mule deer with a rifle and certainly not during the month of October. Being that bucks have moved out of the alpine, but are not quite ready for the rut yet, they can be hard to find. This was a challenge I knew full well walking into this hunt.

I would backpack in for 6 days into a brand new area I have never stepped foot in. On a hunt I have never experienced. In short, the hunt was incredible. Short, but very sweet and I hope to spend more time hiking those mountains in the future.

Because the hunt was so short, it really reminded me how important it is to have presence in these special moments. Truly soak everything in around you. Whether that is deep in the backcountry or hanging out with your family in the backyard. Time waits for nobody. Enjoy every minute.

What is so cool about this hunt is I was able to film it. My memory is preserved past the point of just a memory. I’m really proud of how this turned out and can’t thank my buddy Dillon Flint enough for agreeing to follow me around with a camera in some steep and deep country. You can watch the full film Presence – Mule Deer in the Idaho Backcountry down below. I truly hope you like it.

Watch the Full Film!

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