This post is sponsored by Everywhere Agency on
behalf of FoodSaver®; however, all thoughts and
opinions expressed are my own.

Disconnect to Reconnect

We live in a digital age.  There is no getting away from that.  Social media, internet TV, and online businesses are a very real thing.  If you said that stuff to me 25 years ago, I would have no idea what you were talking about.  Fast forward to today, and it is our new normal.  Less and less kids are getting outside and more are sitting inside, in front of a screen.  Most adults are bound to a desk for their 9-5 grind in a cubicle.  No sunlight, no fresh air.  Just keyboards and screens.  Yeah, you could say that things are a bit different nowadays.

I will not be a common man.  I will stir the smooth sands of monotony.  ~ Peter O’Toole

The truth is, our lives can get very monotonous right?  All of that stuff isn’t going away anytime soon.  Quite the opposite really.  For that reason, I think it is even more important that we take initiative to get outside and enjoy the real world.  I’ve talked before about our lives being very structured and how I believe it unhealthy to not break away from that now and again.  The need to decompress is a very real thing and something that I think everyone needs to do.  Just taking a day to go out and hike can do wonders.  Take a kid fishing, or go deer hunting for the morning if season allows.  Disconnect from society, in order to reconnect with yourself and nature.  Set yourself right again.  Our mental health is just as important as our physical health.

National Hunting and Fishing DayLoading up on a bear hunt here in Arizona

So, where am I going with all of this talk?  On May 2, 1972 President Richard Nixon signed a proclamation.  That proclamation designated every 4th Saturday in September, National Hunting and Fishing Day.  A day for all of us to get out and enjoy our natural resources in a responsible way.  Mark September 22nd on your calendars and make something happen!  This is the perfect opportunity to get out and enjoy what mother nature has to offer.  Spend the day fishing your favorite lake or stream.  A lot of fall hunting seasons will be going on during this time.  Take the time to look up what is in season and head afield!  This is right during the prime elk rut in the west as well!  If you’ve never experienced elk bugling in September, you are missing out!

How I Plan to Enjoy National Hunting and Fishing DayJosh from Dialed in Hunter bowhunting

5 years ago, I found a hunting spot that would soon become a second home to me.  Of course, I didn’t know this at the time, but the truth remained.  So many firsts had happened there for me with friends and family.  From harvesting my first bear, to my first deer, and seeing my first mountain lion.  The place has made its mark on me and I’ve made mine on it.  So many triumphs and failures.  Coincidentally enough, I was lucky this year and drew an early archery bull elk tag in my homestate of Arizona!  Can you guess where?  Yes!  Right in the heart of the country that I have called a second home for years.  So, on this National Hunting and Fishing Day, I will be in elk country with family and friends.  Making the best of memories is on the top of my to do list.  Harvesting my first elk is not far behind.

Where GameSaver® Fits In

Along with getting off the grid and making memories with loved ones, I also want to be able to preserve my hard earned harvest the best way I know how.  That is where GameSaver® fits in.  If I am so fortunate to wrap my tag around an elk for this National Hunting and Fishing Day, you can bet that I will be packaging and preserving that meat with my GameSaver® Vacuum Sealing System.  I’ve used this method for years and it has never failed me.  In fact, I have found and consumed game meat from my freezer that was 2 years old and it was as good as new!  When I vacuum seal something, I can rest assured that it will be good for quite some time.

GameSaver® Outdoorsman Vacuum Sealing System

GameSaver® Outdoorsman Vacuum Sealing System

Click the Image to pick up a GameSaver® Outdoorsman Vacuum Sealing System

If this is going to be your first year trying out vacuum sealing or are just looking to upgrade from an older model, give the GameSaver® Outdoorsman Vacuum Sealing System a gander.  The Outdoorsman is perfect for someone that is new to the wonderful world of vacuum sealing.  It’s got a simple layout, is easy to use, and most importantly, it’s reliable.  Throw in a box of GameSaver® HeatSeal Bags and Rolls, and you are going to be off to the races.  They are durable, puncture/tear resistant, and do a great job of blocking oxygen and moisture from getting to your harvest.  The Outdoorsman packs a punch and can vacuum seal up to 120 pounds of game meat or 40 consecutive seals!  It’s got an extra wide sealing strip and just two buttons for operation.  A Vacuum and a Seal button.  It’s pretty hard to mess up using this awesome little system.GameSaver® Outdoorsman Vacuum Sealing System

Click the Image to pick up some GameSaver® HeatSeal Bags and Rolls

Amazon Has Got You Covered for September!

If you are indeed interested in purchasing a GameSaver® Outdoorsman Vacuum Sealing System, or other GameSaver® products, head over to Amazon.  From September 9-16, The Outdoorsman, along with the GameSaver® 28 gallon bags and GameSaver 11” expandable heat rolls will be 20% off if you go through Amazon!  Amazon will be running promotions throughout the month of September on GameSaver® products, so keep your eyes out if you are in the market!

In ClosingNight Fishing in Arizona

So, after you are done reading this, do me a favor.  Turn your computer off, put your phone or tablet down, and mark September 22nd on your calendar.  Make plans to get out there on this National Hunting and Fishing Day and take a breath.  Disconnect yourself from all of the worry, monotony, and electronics that we’ve come to know so well.  There is a wide world of adventure out there just begging to be experienced.  Instead of grabbing your phone, grab your fishing pole.  Instead of sitting down and watching Netflix, sit down somewhere in the forest waiting for that deer of a lifetime to walk by.  Who knows, you might just come home with more than a clear head.

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