Josh of Dialed in Hunter Bowhunting

As I sit here and write this, we are landed in the month of May.  Turkey season is upon us, spring bear seasons have gone, and more are to come.  I’m actually going through spring bear withdrawals over here myself.  That’s besides the point though.  Even with spring seasons in full effect, I know most of us have our eyes fixated on the coming fall.  You know, when a lot of us go missing for a bit or “get sick” and can’t go to work?  Things really pop off here in Arizona during the month of August.  From that point until the end of January, there is just a lot of hunting to be done.  Spending all of that time in the field, you get to know yourself pretty good out there in the quiet.  Your strengths and weaknesses are magnified on these excursions.

Josh of Dialed in Hunter Bowhunting

I think most of us know what we are good at by now.  Some of us might be in denial about where we fall short though.  It’s quite easy to just focus on the good.  I think it’s important and healthy for us to acknowledge our weaknesses, whether that is in the field or not.  Right now is the time when I am trying to set myself up mentally for the coming fall and overcome these weaknesses that hold me back.  By doing so, I feel as though I am only making myself stronger in the long run.  Kind of like how when you might go to the gym and only do the workouts that you enjoy doing or are good at.  It’s the ones that you don’t like and aren’t good at, that will likely propel you forward even more.

My Biggest Weakness

So, what is my biggest weakness in the field?  I’ll tell you what, it’s the same in my daily life as well.  My nemesis is overthinking things, which leads to indecisiveness.  You wanna laugh?  Watch me scan a menu at a restaurant.  I will actually stress myself out, due to the fact that I can’t decide what to order.  This has gotten way better over time, but the fact remains.  My nemesis also weeds its way right into my hunting.  This is no bueno for me and has cost me several great opportunities.  While analyzing a situation is hugely beneficial, I seem to go too far with it from time to time.  Every minute that goes by is one that is lost.  Sit there for an hour debating with yourself, and the sun might be down by then.  I’ve fallen victim to this a few times.  Debating on whether or not I should make a stalk on an animal.  Fact of the matter is, if I don’t, I will have never known if it would have worked out.  This is something that I am trying to smash into the ground this year.  So far, it’s been liberating to say the least.

Well, that is me.  How about you?  What is your biggest weakness in the field or out?  How are you going to tackle it?  Are you?  Tell me in the comments below!

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