Josh from Dialed in Hunter Laughing on a recent hunt in Arizona

The end of the month is finally here! I can’t believe this 6 month dieting journey is over. It has been a long time coming and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate everyone that reached out with tips along the way. Whether that was in the form of recipes or just letting me know about your overall experience, thank you. The Paleo Diet is over and I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t excited about it. Not because of the diet itself. That has been great. But because of the dieting experience as a whole this last 6 months. Not a regret exists though on my end. So, let’s talk Paleo Diet. What did I like? What did I not like? How was backpack hunting on the paleo diet? Here we go!

What Did I Like About the Paleo Diet?

Pancakes made for the Paleo Diet
Paleo Pancakes

Let’s start off with what I liked about Paleo. Right when I started down the path of Paleo, I wasn’t too worried at all. It sounded like a slightly more restricted version of clean eating, which I did great on, and remains my favorite out of the diets that I tried. So, in that regard, I thought the Paleo Diet was great just from a livability standpoint. This stuff isn’t that hard at all to incorporate into your daily life, which is huge for me. Sometimes, we are on the go and need something quick. With some forethought, Paleo does the trick just fine. Quick snacks and or meals that I would resort to were Banana Chia Pudding for breakfast, smoothies, and maybe an apple with almond butter. Dinner was super easy as well and fit well along with what my wife would happen to be eating that night. For instance, if she was eating spaghetti, I’d make zoodles and venison meatballs. The translation was fairly smooth.

Any Weight Loss on Paleo Diet?

I didn’t experience a ton of weight loss during the Paleo Diet, but I also lost quite a bit from eating clean. There wasn’t a whole lot for me to drop at that point. I lost a few pounds on Paleo, but nothing to go crazy about. Something that was great though was how I felt. It was fairly identical to how I felt eating clean. Great energy levels, no stomach issues, and zero constipation. Keto left me constipated.

Eye Opening

Another thing that has really been consistent throughout this whole experience was how these diets made me get out of my comfort zone of food. They required me to try new foods and new recipes which was both fun and eye opening. The Paleo diet was no exception here. My favorite dish that came out of it was Venison stir fry with cauliflower rice and broccoli. MY GOODNESS. This will remain in constant rotation in my house, except I will likely use brown rice instead of cauliflower rice.

What Did I Not Like About the Paleo Diet?

Josh from Dialed in Hunter washing down some Paleo Diet nut butter that didn't agree with him
Josh washing down some gross paleo nut butter

This section won’t be super long at all, because I was quite pleased with Paleo. There were some minor things that stuck out to me. The first was the inconsistency of information within the Paleo community. Some people consider certain things Paleo, while others don’t. That was frustrating when trying to figure out what to eat. Sweet potatoes were one of those items that some ate, and some didn’t. I chose to eat them, because it just worked better for me. Not a ton was incorporated, but I did use them in some recipes throughout the month. There is a such thing as “modified paleo.” I don’t entirely understand how that is. From what I gathered it was basically clean eating. So, why call it paleo? Call it what it is.

Daily Life?

Of course another thing that was a pain, which has been consistent with all of these diets, was family events. When we would attend these, I would have to eat beforehand and not enjoy any of the food that our families prepared. That was a bummer. We ate out here and there, but it could only be at certain places. One of our favorites is Chipotle. Here, I would get a salad with double meat, fajitas, mild salsa, and guacamole. Not bad, but definitely not the same.

Paleo Diet in the Backcountry?

Paleo to Go Meals out in the backcountry of Utah on a mule deer hunt
Wild Zora Paleo Meals to Go
Click Above to Try Some Out!

I was fortunate enough to take the paleo diet into the field with me a few times. One of those times was a backcountry mule deer hunt to Utah. For the most part, I wasn’t too worried about this. Many of the foods that I already bring with my on hunts are actually paleo diet friendly. Stuff like almond butters, RX Bars, Epic Bars, etc. Breakfast and snacks throughout the day were a snap. It was dinner that left me super unsatisfied. I opted to go with Wild Zora for both breakfast and dinner. Breakfast was great. No complaints there. The Cliffside Coconut Berry is awesome for breakfast. Dinner though? Not the greatest. They were filling, yes, but incredibly bland in my opinion. Of course you could absolutely pack in some seasoning or something to alleviate this. The better option though is to just make your own dinners at home and dehydrate them. That way you know you are getting a nice home cooked meal that is something to look forward to. Backpack hunting is hard enough as it is. Having a nice and satisfying meal at the end of a long day is super important to me.

Recovery in the Backcountry on the Paleo Diet

Josh's brother Jake recovering from a hard hike in to Utah's backcountry

Another thing that was crucial for my backcountry experience was Wilderness Athlete Hydrate and Recover Paleo(ish). Just in general, hydrate and recover from Wilderness Athlete is something that I bring into the field with me on all of my trips. These hunts are physically demanding and recovery is huge back there. Being able to get up day after day and grind over and over again is the name of the game. We beat ourselves up on these trips, so taking care of our bodies needs to be on our radar. My brother didn’t take this stuff on this particular trip and he was in pain. Muscles were locking up and he was left hobbling around. This isn’t what you want to shoot for. I just pack a serving each day for the end of the day and have it with dinner. Ready to rock.

End of the Road

Josh from Dialed in Hunter on a backcountry hunt in Utah.  Paleo breakfast is right around the corner

I did it! Like I said, I can’t believe this 6 month journey is at a close. What I got out of it is something I’ll take with me into my every day life. Just knowing more about what is going into your body is eye opening enough. How one’s body reacts to certain foods is also interesting. I really didn’t think I’d have an issue with Keto, but I did. Now, I know that it isn’t for me. Unless one tries this stuff out though, you’ll never know. What my wife and I have decided to do from this point forward is to eat clean, for the most part. The stuff that we buy from the grocery store will likely be 90% clean options. However, if the weekend comes and I want to take here out on a nice date for ice cream? Yeah, we’re getting ice cream. After all, we are human and I don’t think it is a bad thing to indulge here and there. I feel like if we eat good 80-90% of the time, it isn’t a big deal to have some cake or pizza here and there. The great Joe Rogan said it best. “Kale Shakes and Cupcakes.” Do you have a diet that you’ve been wondering about? Maybe it’s time that you took the leap? I say go for it. You don’t know if you don’t go.

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