Rangefinder Tips – Alternative Uses Besides Ranging Animals

by , on
Jan 28, 2024
Vortex Razor HD 4000 GB Rangefinder on a spring bear hunt in Idaho

Back before I ever had my very first rangefinder, my perception of them was always that they existed for one to range an animal to get an accurate distance to aim for the shot. And while they absolutely own that space in terms of use, there are other ways that I have found to effectively use rangefinders to make me a more efficient hunter. 2 in particular to be exact.

The Angle Compensating Rangefinder – Why You Need One for Bowhunting

by , on
Oct 7, 2022
Vortex Razor 4000 Rangefinder on an archery bear hunt in Arizona

Throughout my childhood, my Dad would tell me old hunting stories from before I was around. At the time, I hadn’t really experienced much of the hunting life, so these stories sunk deep in my mind. One of those stories was of an archery deer hunt in upstate New York. It was just him and his bow. No rangefinder to speak of.

My Dad was sitting up in a tree and a lone buck came in beneath. He pulled his bow back, aimed, and let it loose thinking that deer steaks wouldn’t be far away. What really happened was he watched the arrow fly right over the buck’s back, followed by said buck running out of his life. “Should have aimed lower” my Dad said. It was my first lesson on shooting up or downhill with a bow.

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