This is an exciting time of year for us hunters. The early archery seasons are right around the corner and some have already started. Soon after that we will take to the mountains in search of bugling bulls followed up by the fall deer and bear seasons. It’s a busy time to say the least if you are a hunter. Some of us have been training all year long in preparation for what lies ahead. Maybe, you have been shooting your bow religiously or you have been hitting the gym and the trails in your free time. Whatever the case may be, hunting has been on your mind and you have been doing what you can to be better than you were last year. Endless scouting has and will take place. Gear testing is in full effect to ensure we are properly equipped for our adventures. The amount of effort that we put into our way of life may seem excessive to an outsider, but for us, it is just that. A way of life.
After all of the forethought that we put into the coming seasons, I believe one of the biggest things that will put a chink in our chain is having a negative attitude afield. A sour outlook is a hunter’s kryptonite and will inevitably crush them. It is why you will leave that glassing spot, when deep down you know that you should stick it out there longer. It is the reason that you will decide to go home if you are having a tough go. Negativity breeds indecisiveness and indecisiveness is not what puts meat in the freezer, in my experience at least.
The ability to remain positive throughout a hunt is, I daresay, more valuable than any piece of gear in your pack. You can have the most expensive bow on the rack, but if you can’t stay positive enough during your trip to stay out there, then it doesn’t matter. Time in the field and persistence is what you need and positivity is the water that will make those seeds grow. Every day you wake up, believe that this is the day that it is going to happen. Manifest your own destiny.
Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forest and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person. ~Fred Bear
It is a privilege to have what we have and to be able to do what we do. Enjoy your time in the mountains or wherever you may be hunting this year. You owe it to yourself after all of the pre-season effort. Walk into this season with the best attitude as possible and try to stay there. Whether your hunt comes to a close at the end of a blood trail or not, you will have a better time doing so and the memories that will come of it will last forever. Good luck out there and I hope you all have your best seasons yet.
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