Hunting Alone……Yes or No?

by , on
Jan 30, 2016

Ever since I was a kid, I have been going on hunting trips with my dad.  In my teenage years, I would head out with both friends and dad.  There came a point though, when I reached adulthood, where I wanted to spend more and more time in the field.  I wanted to be out there more than just for the annual deer hunt or sporadic quail hunt.  As we grow up our list of responsibilities keep getting bigger though.  This proved difficult in being able to schedule hunting trips with friends and even dad.  So, I had a choice to make.  Either I don’t go out hunting as much or I grab my bow/rifle, put on my backpack, and head out on my own.  I think you can guess what my decision was.

Target Panic

by , on
Jan 14, 2016

If you have never heard of Target Panic, consider yourself lucky, because that probably means that you haven’t had to deal with it.  Target Panic is when the archer is unable to release an arrow without panicking.  Panicking can take many forms including flinching, not being able to keep the pin held on the bullseye, and not even being able to release the arrow.  Movement is completely normal when aiming your bow, but some people have a hard time accepting this which causes them to panic.  While you are never going to be as still as you would if you put a rifle on a rest, remaining calm throughout the releasing of the arrow is going to have you stacking them in the bullseye.  Target Panic is 100% psychological and, lucky enough, very curable.