As most of you probably have figured out by now, I am a big fan of the podcasting world.  So much so, that I almost find my self listening to hunting podcasts now more than music and that means a lot coming from a musician!  They are a great way for like minded individuals to interact and help all of us become even better at our passion.  In this case, that is obviously hunting.  The knowledge and just pure entertainment that I have gotten out of these shows has been endless.  My only problem is, as I have said in the past, finding the time to listen to them all!  So many good shows and not enough time in the day!

207 outdoors podcast

I was recently approached by Jeff Hesketh over at 207 Outdoors.  Jeff runs the 207 Outdoors podcast and graciously asked me if I would like to be a guest.  Of course I said, YES!  Some of you may have heard it in Episode 6 of the 207 Outdoors podcast back in August.  In this show we skim the surface from a wide angle view of hunting in Arizona.  I had an absolute blast doing the show and expressing my passion to Jeff and his listeners.

Jeff asked me to come back on AGAIN!  So in this show, we chat about my recent bear hunt along with the trials and tribulations that it held within.  We also talk a bit about what both of us have coming up in the future as far as our hunting plans go.  You can hear about all of this in Episode 11 of Jeff’s podcast.  Once again I had an amazing time speaking with Jeff and urge you guys to check out the show.  What Jeff is doing over there is nothing short of awesome and needed for that matter.  Everybody wants to learn and become better at what they love.  Jeff is trying to appease that through his interviews.  If you’ve got the time let Jeff bend your ear.

magbo system