Backpack Hunting: Water Filtration

by , on
Jul 16, 2017
Water Filtration

The next area I am going to cover on backcountry hunting is water and water filtration.  You cannot get through a backpack hunt without water, so this is not something to turn your nose up at.

Why Water Filtration is ImportantBackpacking

When I was a kid, I remember longing to drink straight from a creek or other wild body of water.  Like hunting for your own food, it was one of those things that captivated me.  I loved adventure movies that took place in the mountains and watched folks more than once, reach down into a stream with cupped hands, bring that ice cold mountain water up to their mouths, and drink it in.  Man, I wanted to do that!  Eventually, my wild dreams would come true!

Never Say Never

by , on
Jul 3, 2017
Bear Hunting

“Never say never.”  We’ve all heard that a time or two.  I remember especially hearing this phrase as a kid.  Maybe it would come up during a rough football game on T.V.  Our team would be losing with very little time left and I would hear my Dad say, “never say never.”  Most times the obvious would happen, but sometimes they’d end up pulling through and winning.  You just don’t know how something is going to play out, unless you see it through.  I think this phrase translates perfectly into hunting.

Why You NEED to Consider Bowhunting

by , on
Jun 25, 2017

I feel like the only way for me to tell you why you need to consider hunting with a bow, is to tell you how I got hooked on it myself.  Let us begin!

In the Beginning

It wasn’t until around 15 years of age that the bow ended up snuggling its way into my life.  It did so for the simple fact that my dad was sick and tired of not drawing rifle deer tags here in Arizona(We ended up moving out here from New York when I was 9).  Archery deer tags in AZ can be purchased “over the counter.”  That was something that we definitely wanted to get our hands on the following season.  So, we bought some bows and started practicing religiously in the backyard.  It was pretty cool shooting a bow for the first time.  I remember thinking how hard it was to pull the string back and come to full draw.  I also remember being amazed when I let the arrow go.  The flight of the arrow captured my attention.

Backpack Hunting: Food for the Backcountry

by , on
Jun 7, 2017
Food for the Backcountry

Food in the backcountry is one of those things that can both lift your spirit and your performance.  Having a nice hot meal at the end of a long day just plain makes me feel better.  When I might be feeling discouraged in the middle of the day, a cup of coffee just has a way of improving my overall mood.  For that reason, I think it is important to not just throw a bunch of random stuff in a bag and call it good.  You need to know how much food to bring, what food to bring, and you need to actually like what you are planning to eat.  Backpack hunting is a strenuous game that demands refueling, so it is our job to do just that.

Backcountry Hunting: Sleeping Bags and Pads

by , on
Jun 4, 2017

The 2017 Fall hunting season is dangling out ahead of us and is nearly in reach.  Some of us, myself included, have already started doing the necessary homework to try and ensure our best chances of success.  Burning holes with our eyes into our maps, working on our shooting, and buying new gear.  For some of you, this might be your first season jumping into the world that is backcountry hunting.  Let me say, I am excited for you!  It’s a whole new look on things when you have camp on your back and bow in hand.

Salomon Quest 4D 2 GTX Boot Review

by , on
May 28, 2017
Salomon Quest 4D2 GTX Boot in Arizona

The discussion of boots is a fickle one, but one that every hunter needs to have with themselves.  You might try on 10 pairs of boots before you find one that you like.  Then when you do find that one, is it gonna be able to withstand the rigors of the mountains?  Are they going to give you blisters after hiking 10 miles?  Are they truly waterproof?  Only time will tell that.

After trying a half dozen or so boots over the years and dealing with issues ranging from hot spots, faulty waterproofing, and literally walking the sole off of a boot, I was ready for a change.  Taking care of our feet and having a good pair of boots is imperative and I was feeling that.  The research began and I landed on the Salomon Quest 4D 2 GTX backpacking boot.  I’ve put in about a year and a half of use on these and WELL over 300 miles of hiking.  Now, that I’ve gotten to know this boot like I have, I think it’s time I give you all a review.

Black Bear…..The Other Red Meat

by , on
May 21, 2017
Black Bear Meat

Over my years of black bear hunting there is a consistent theme that wafts its way past my ears every now and then.  On multiple occasions, after posting a successful bear hunting photo, folks have asked me, “Why did you shoot a bear?  You can’t eat bear.”  This leaves me puzzled every time I hear it.  Their surprise after I tell them I eat bear a few times a week never gets old though.  So, with this piece, I want to lay that question to rest.

How To “Invite” Success for Hunting

by , on
May 14, 2017

While out and about the other day, I had a small conversation in passing with a young woman.  She told me, quite impatiently, that all she wanted was to be married with children and have a house already.  I couldn’t help but be struck by this, because of how young she was.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one to judge.  If you know what you want, than you know what you want.  I met my wife when I was 17 years old and never looked back.  Now, I am 31 and have never regretted one moment the commitment we made to each other so long ago.  We just knew.

My 2017 Backcountry Gear List

by , on
May 1, 2017

As I’ve gone down the road of this blog, one of the things that I’ve gotten asked the most is “what are you bringing on your backpack hunts?”  In light of that, I have decided to post up my current backcountry gear list for 2017.  My gear list is forever growing and shrinking, but hopefully you can get the gist of what is usually in my backpack.  This list is going to be for an archery hunt in the early fall.  If it were later in the year, I would just be bringing some extra layers along.  I am by no means an ounce junkie, so I can’t tell you the EXACT weight of my pack and all of the contents in it.  For most hunts, I am sitting in the 35 pound range though, depending on how much water I am packing in.  That number will increase with the amount of days I am planning to be out, simply because of food.  Each one of my food bags is in the realm of 2 pounds per day containing about 2500-3000 calories in each one.  Besides food and water, everything else pretty much stays the same.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask below in the comments.

TightSpot 7 arrow Quiver Review

by , on
Apr 23, 2017


I don’t know about you, but whenever I miss an animal and lose an arrow, I start hoping I don’t run out of arrows.  I know that might sound hilarious, but it’s the truth for me.  Probably just a mental thing really.  This is especially true when I am backpacked into an area and have only the arrows that are in my quiver.  Like a lot of folks, I have been carrying a 5 arrow quiver for quite some time and as of a few years ago, that quiver has always been a TightSpot.  I loved the idea of the quiver being so much more closer to the riser, which would make it a lot easier to lay my bow in my lap while crab crawling my way down to a bedded mule deer.  Just this past December, I was able to do just that and brought home my first archery buck.  It was a day to remember for sure.

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