Knowing what to pack, as far as food goes, for a backpack hunt is a common question among those looking to get into this. The immediate apprehension is fear of getting hungry. Folks are worried about not having enough. Then there is the what behind all of this. What kind of foods should you bring out? So, in this post, I’m going to dive right into my food bag for an upcoming backcountry hunt I have planned. While getting my stuff ready for this trip, I thought it might be beneficial to do a backcountry food bag dump. I’ll walk you through a whole day of food and also give examples of other options you might be able to take advantage of.

My Backcountry Food Bag Dump

You Gotta Do You

Josh's brother's backcountry food concoction
My Brother got creative with his food on this day, haha

Something that I said in the video and that I just want to go over again here, is we are all different. The foods and quantities that I have talked about here might not align with your particular needs. If that is the case, it’s totally fine, and there is nothing to worry about. You’re not “doing it wrong.” This whole thing is really about investing some time to find out what works best for you and your needs. I used to intentionally bring too much food with me on trips and I’d keep a log of what I ate through the day. After so many times of doing this, I realized what I actually needed to feel satisfied. That’s how I personally did it, and I think it’s a great way to figure yourself out. Another route you could go, that I didn’t mention above, is counting calories. This is something that many folk prefer to do, even at home. If that sounds like you, then full speed ahead! Make it happen!

Check Out My Friends

There are a few foods/brands that I mentioned in the video. These are incredible resources in the name of backcountry nutrition. Heather’s Choice and Wilderness Athlete. These are two companies that I have used for years with a smile on my face. I actually did a review on Heather’s food that you can find HERE. And Wilderness Athlete is a group of folks that have been there done that for quite some time. I think the name says it all as far as who this stuff is for.

As far as resources go, I also mentioned my new book in this video. Becoming a Backpack Hunter: A Beginner’s Guide to Hunting the Backcountry is the perfect resource for those looking to get into backpack hunting. It walks you through backpack hunting from front to back and lays out everything in between. Both kindle and paperback versions are available.


If you have any questions about backpack hunting food, drop them in the comments below and I’d be happy to help! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the Youtube channel and blog to stay up to date with future posts! Spring bear is knocking on the door here and I can’t wait to get after it. Thanks and good luck to you all out there!

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