2023 Hunting Season – A Look Back

by , on
Dec 30, 2023
Josh Kirchner from Dialed in Hunter on a coues deer hunt in Arizona

At each start of a new year, I always feel like I am rich with time. A whole 365 days is ahead with a long list of adventure hunts planned. And each year it blows my mind how fast those 365 days fly by. So quick that sometimes it’s hard to appreciate things in the moment as they happen. In light of that, I’m going to treat this as a reflection post. One that takes a look back on the 2023 hunting season.

The Secret to Bowhunting Coues Deer – Rutting Bucks

by , on
Dec 23, 2023
Coues Buck that Josh Kirchner got with his bow spot and stalk in Arizona

Right now, I’m sitting under a blanket downstairs in front of a Christmas tree. It’s my favorite time of year. Not only do I cherish these times spent at home with family, but right after the fact, I’ll be heading into the field with my bow. Bowhunting coues deer during the month of January is like a second Christmas to me.

Backpack Hunting for Coues Deer – 7 Day Gear List

by , on
Dec 19, 2023
Josh Kirchner from Dialed in Hunter Backpack Hunting for Coues Deer during the month of January in Arizona

It’s the end of December right now at the time of typing this. We’ve been soaking up the holiday season together in our home and enjoying every second of it with our 3 year old. I love the month of December dearly, but I also lust for January. It’s archery deer season in Arizona at that time. The bucks are rutting and it’s one of my favorite times of year backpack hunting for coues deer.

Given our unique environment, and an odd time of year, knowing what backcountry gear to bring along is a question that I get asked on a regular basis. So, I’m going to break down here what I am bringing along on a 7 day backpack hunt during the month of January for Coues deer in Arizona.

Post Archery Elk Hunt Jibber Jabber

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Dec 5, 2023
Prime RVX bow on an archery elk hunt in Arizona

I had dreamed all year long about my archery elk hunt in Arizona. And now that I sit here, 12 hard days of hunting are behind me. Time feels like it has been swept right from under me. The hunt had it all. Good weather, bad weather, moments where I felt unstoppable, and moments where I felt incapable.

Josh Kirchner from Dialed in Hunter at the end of his archery elk hunt in Arizona

Right here, I’m going to just say, I didn’t get an elk. I did shoot one though. More on that later. What I wanted to do here is lay out my thoughts after the hunt and some major takeaways after spending so many days in the field. All of those days gave me a lot to think about. Most are hunting-related, but I even was put at peace with something I struggle with in life.

Mule Deer Film in the Works – Perspective

by , on
Nov 17, 2023
Josh Kirchner from Dialed in Hunter glassing for mule deer

High country mule deer hunting is something that I have really grown a love for over the last handful of years. It speaks my language. Steep and deep backcountry, glassing for bucks, and then playing the chess match that is sneaking in close to bow range. From Utah to Colorado I slept in the dirt and tried my hand at putting the moves on big velvet mule deer. What started as a hunt for a deer, soon turned to a hunt for Perspective. Which is the title of this new film and you can watch the teaser below.

Hunting Preparation – Checking Boxes

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Nov 10, 2023
An Arizona sunset on a Fall bear hunt

It’s getting close now. I’ve been waiting all year for this and it’s about to be go time. Since I drew my elk tag back in February I’ve been daydreaming about hitting the hills with my bow. Getting another opportunity at an Arizona bull of my own and immersing myself in the whole experience. There are some things that need to be in order before leaving though. Hunting Preparation is not just about hunting.

My Biggest Bowhunting Issues

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Nov 3, 2023
Josh Kirchner from Dialed in Hunter on a mule deer hunt in Colorado

I recently scratched down a post titled My Biggest Archery Issues, so it’s only natural to write another that reflects bowhunting specifically. Bowhunting is a never-ending journey for me and I don’t think I’ll ever master it. There is no shortage of ways to screw up an archery hunt, and I’ve been fortunate to be on more than a few of those receiving ends. Sometimes they make me feel downright helpless. The only way to improve in these areas, though, is to acknowledge them and act. So, down below I’m going to dive into a pool of reflection filled with My Biggest Bowhunting. At the end of this personal therapy session, I hope it drives you to tackle your own shortcomings and inevitably get better from doing so.

My Biggest Archery Issues

by , on
Sep 23, 2023
Arrows in a target

We learn by doing. It’s the only way to find out what works and doesn’t work for us individually. Archery has been an enriching journey for me. It’s also been humbling, especially on the bowhunting side of things. That has a way of truly bringing you back to zero, which in my opinion is healthy. It urges progression because it brings to light any issues that may be present in your game. The key in these instances to getting better is owning up to these archery issues.

Since the beginning of my bowhunting pursuits, there has been one thing that has been a constant in the archery issues category. Waiting on my shot. What I mean by that is I wait too long at full draw before my shot breaks. This causes my form to break down, which degrades my aim, and nothing good comes of it.

Josh Kirchner working on his archery issues behind the bow

When this happens it’s one of two things. In my early years, I’d overaim. The perfectionist in my mind battled with the natural pin float we have and I’d want my pin to be rock solid on my target. This would cause me to hyperfocus on what I was aiming at, all the while my form would start to crumble trying to get everything perfect. Not ideal.

The second thing, and the more relevant of the two at this time, is engaging my trigger, or the lack thereof. Sometimes, I’m a bit light here and don’t put that much pressure on the trigger. The shot always breaks, but a lighter pressure means it won’t break as soon. When I’m cognizant of this, I’m fine. It’s when I’m not it catches me off guard. Again, not ideal. Especially with a buck behind your pin.

Check out this video I made on properly using an index-style release aid

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This is just me being open with you and taking a bit of my own medicine. I always urge people to own up to their faults to get better. What I’ve gone through above is me doing just that. The only way to squash this stuff is to be proactive about it. Be intentional. And that’s something I’m currently tackling to better myself as a bowhunter and honestly a person. This line of thinking can be applied to all avenues in life. All of it with the same end goal. Be better.

Accuracy Killers in Bowhunting – These 3 Things Helped Me Shooter Better

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Aug 12, 2023
Josh's 2022 archery mule deer

We’re sitting less than a month out from the 2023 Fall hunting season at the time of writing this. Along with my uncontrollable excitement, e-scouting, and focus on fitness, there is one other thing heavy on my mind. That thing is accuracy. To me, it doesn’t matter how fancy your bow is, it doesn’t matter how good the hunting spot is, and it doesn’t matter how in shape you are. If you aren’t accurate behind your bow, none of that other stuff matters.

The Skinny on Stabilizers for Bowhunting

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Jul 22, 2023
Josh Kirchner's Bow sitting up against the tire of his truck

You don’t know what you don’t know right? I always thought it looked so funny when archers and bowhunters had that long stick-looking deal hanging off the front of their bow. Stabilizers weren’t really something I’d worry too much about in my early years. And with how many “correct opinions” there are in the bowhunting world, taking advice on the topic isn’t straightforward in the least. Everyone is a little different in their bowhunting journey and what works for them.

With all of that said, stabilizers are an effective tool that really can elevate your shooting from good to great. So, down below I’m going to go through what I’ve learned about stabilizers for bowhunting through the years and how I personally go about finding the right recipe for success.

magbo system