Heather’s Choice Meals Review

by , on
May 5, 2018
Heather's Choice Dark Chocolate Chili on a backcountry bear hunt in Arizona

Living a life that is rich in health and fitness is becoming way more common practice in this day and age.  More and more folks are caring about what they put into their bodies and the long term effects of neglecting their health.  For me, this all boils down to fear.  I am simply fearful of not being able to do the things that I love for as long as possible.  As many of you know, that is bowhunting the backcountry.  In light of that, I started watching what I ate as well as working out on a regular basis.  Longevity is what we are striving for here.  So, when I heard that someone was coming out with health conscious meals for the backcountry, I was thrilled.  Meals that were made with real food from the real world.  As someone who lives mostly off of wild game, this was extremely appealing to me.  Heather’s Choice meals for adventuring had my attention and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a few to try out.